Chair for Public Law


Symposium: Designing rooms intelligently

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The baby boomers (born between 1955 and 1969) are currently retiring and posing new challenges for cities and municipalities. Municipalities and service providers are challenged to create sustainable and future-proof residential locations and supply structures.
In the first annual conference of the research project "Ageing Smart - Designing Spaces Intelligently" we would like to discuss with researchers and practitioners about digitization and digitization projects in municipalities, analog-digital health care especially in rural areas and visualizations of socio-structural and housing-related information. We cordially invite you to our conference on 30.09.2022 in the Rotund (Geb.57) of the TU Kaiserlautern. The conference is aimed at people interested in smart cities and regions, representatives of municipal administrations, researchers in spatial and environmental planning, geoinformaticians, researchers on aging, and people interested in social spaces.

The event will take place in hybrid form, i.e. both in presence at the TU Kaiserslautern and digitally, subject to the COVID19 restrictions then in force. Participation is free of charge. Registration for participation in presence is possible until 09.09.2022. We will send the link for online access to the registered persons a few days before the event. A joint dinner is planned for the evening before. Further information will follow.



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