RE- City: Reviving shrinking cities - innovative paths towards livability for shrinking cities in Europe

Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karina M. Pallagst
Dipl.-Ing. M.Sc. René Fleschurz


Processes of shrinkage are multidimensional phenomena encompassing cities, parts of cities, or regions that are experiencing a significant population loss either due to low fertility rates or due to out-migration. Causal factors are diverse and complex. In some cases economic decline is the driver, in other cases low birth rates, environmental degradation, disasters or other forms of crisis cause the shrinkage. Previous research has pointed out that decline is enduring and wide-spread. Thus, in the long run shrinkage may jeopardize the prosperity of European communities.

RE-CITY provides a perspective for the robust and sustainably sound development of shrinking cities.

The project RE-City in a nutshell

  • Research Fellows: 13 PhD candidates
  • Project period: October 2019 until September 2022
  • Funding: Horizon 2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks

Objectives of RE-CITY:

  • To combine research across disciplines.
  • To analyze case studies and paths of dealing with shrinking cities.
  • To develop methods, training skills and applications for RE-CITY.
  • To provide training for a new generation of urban planners.

The RE-CITY ITN aims at training highly skilled experts for the four key themes of shrinking cities noted above, enabling them to act as leaders, mediators, and consultants of change while fostering innovative solutions and perspectives for these areas.