bachelor project 2022

VIA(DRINA) CONJUNTA – Concept for the sustainable and cross-border development of mobility as part of services of general interest in the Euroregion Pro Europa Viadrina


Period: April 25 - July 11, 2022

Participants: 8 students

Supervisors: Jonas Pauly , Swantje Grotheer, Tobias Weber

Languages: German


In a globalized and interconnected world, the role and meaning of borders is also changing, as spaces located on the border in some places form interconnections with each other across the borderline. However, this usually leads to administrative, political and cultural challenges. To overcome hurdles, an integrative, joint and coordinated approach of individual nation states and their stakeholders is necessary.

For this reason, this year's student group of the Bachelor Project 2022 dealt with such a border area at the German-Polish border, the Euroregion Viadrina. Their goal was to develop a concept for sustainable and cross-border development, with a focus on mobility as part of the provision of public services.

Based on the specially designed mission statement "VIA(DRINA) Conjuncta - sustainable development of intermodal mobility as part of the provision of public services in the Euroregion Viadrina", the students were able to formulate four central development goals, which were also further elaborated with concretely proposed measures. The concept focuses on public transport and new sustainable mobility offers.

During the project work the student group performed an excursion from 30.05.22-03.06.22 in the Euroregion Viadrina (Frankfurt a. d. Oder), where among other things discussions were held with Mr. Toralf Schiwietz of the Mittlere Oder e.V. and Mr. Frank Schütz, mayor of the municipality of Golzow.