Lectures in Kaiserslautern

The department International Planning Systems coordinates the courses of the Master programme'Border Studies' at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU). The following courses are regularly offered in Kaiserslautern:

Lecture with excercise
Winter term 

Place and Time 
Building 1, Room U34

Tuesdays, 10:00 - 11:30

Please consult the KIS for the concrete dates.


Dr.-Ing. Beate Caesar

Prof. Karina Pallagst

The aim of the course is to,

  1. examine, discuss and to question critically the planning systems of various countries.
  2. communicate recent challenges, problems and methods in the field of urban planning in different countries.
  3. practice teamwork and presentation techniques.

The course offers an overview about planning systems in Europe and world wide and teaches basic information and characteristics of different planning cultures that planning practise has to deal with. Additionally, serveral smaller excercises are used to train the student's critical reflection of practices in urban planning, especially in comparison to German practices. In this context also diametrical developments, perceptions and paradigms shall be pointed out. Current planning methods and challenges will be presented. The students are actively integrated in comparable analyses of urban development planning. In group work the students explore planning systems of various states and add to an existing Wiki of earlier years.


Ξ  A website will be installed for the course (OLAT)

Ξ  In the library you can find a collection of literature for the course

Ξ  Additional teaching materials will be provided during the course

Predominantly German; Some teaching materials are in English language

Winter term 

Place and Time 
Building 57, Room 315

Tuesdays, 15:30 - 17:00

Please consult the KIS for the concrete dates.


Prof. Dr. Marcus Höreth


Sixty years ago, at the Messina Conference, the first steps were taken towards a United Europe that is considered a unique model of success for supranational integration. This positive assessment is now contrasted by increasing scepticism, as can be seen, for example, from the declining approval rates of the Euro-Barometer or from growing disagreement between the EU Member States, for example on the refugee issue. The seminar examines the history and theories of European integration, analyses the political system of the EU and investigates the causes of the erosion of the legitimacy of European politics. Will there even be a phase of disintegration or even division of Europe in the near future?


Ξ  A website will be installed for the course (OLAT)

Ξ  Additional teaching materials will be provided during the course

Predominantly German; Some teaching materials are in English language

Winter term 

Place and Time 
Building 1, Room U34

Tuesdays, 13:45 - 15:15

Please consult the KIS for the concrete dates.


Dr.-Ing. Kirsten Mangels

The students will be presented planning systems and planning practices outside Germany and methods for applying the acquired knowledge to specific problems outside Germany will be taught.


Ξ  A website will be installed for the course (OLAT)

Ξ  Additional teaching materials will be provided during the course

Predominantly German.

Winter term 

Place and Time 
Building 1, Room 106

Mondays, 13:45 - 15:15

Please consult the KIS for the concrete dates.


Prof. Dr. jur. Willy Spannowsky




Ξ  A website will be installed for the course (OLAT)

Ξ  Additional teaching materials will be provided during the course
