


Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the Kharkiv Technical State University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Ukraine), bachelor's degree.


Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the Kharkiv Technical State University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Ukraine), master's degree (specialist).


Defended the Ph.D. thesis of architecture degree in Kharkiv National University ofCivil Engineering and Architecture (Ukraine). Research: "A monument of modern architecture in the context of the architectural
culture of the second half of the 20th century".


Beruflicher Werdegang

2020 – present

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Technologies in Architecture, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (Ukraine)

2015 – 2016

Professor Assistant of the Department of Fundamentals of Architecture, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Ukraine)

2011 – 2014

Designer and promoter of exhibitions at the Kharkiv Regional Organizational and Methodological Center of Culture and Arts (Ukraine)

2007 – 2009

Architect at the design office Kharkivstroynyproekt (Kharkiv)


Teilnahme an den wissenschaftlichen und pädagogischen Projekten

  • Educational project “Ukraine digital. Built heritage – Remote Lab of Urban Planning” (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Odesa State Academy of Construction and Architecture). Role: Lecturer. Funded by DAAD (2023).
  • Scientific research project "Housing Heritage in Ukraine", Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. Role: Guest researcher. Funded by Volkswagen Foundation (2022 – 2023).
  • Educational project "Ukraine digital: Resilient Cities. Remote Lab of Urban Planning and Design" (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Odesa State Academy of Construction and Architecture). Role: Curator of the lecture course "Urban Resilience". Funded by DAAD (2022).
  • Scientific research project “BIM Dictionary in Ukraine”, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine. Role: Participant. On a volunteer basis (2021).
  • International research and educational project "The Future of Modernist Housing. Living Labs Socialist City" (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Odesa State Academy of Construction and Architecture). Role: Participant and conference moderator. Funded by Volkswagen Foundation (2020 – 2022).
  • Scientific research project "Serhiy Tymoshenko. Return" (PE Akmen I.R., Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, etc.). Role: Co-author. Funded by Ukranian Cultural Foundation (2020 – 2021).
  • International research and educational project "Unloved Heritage, Socialist City?" (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Odesa State Academy of Construction and Architecture, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture). Role: Participant. Funded by Volkswagen Foundation (2017 – 2019).
  • Co-organizer of International scientific conferences "Architecture of historical Kyiv" (Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine) (2019 – 2022).
  • Co-organizer of International scientific conferences of DOCOMOMO Ukraine NGO (Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine) (2016 – 2018).
  • Project "DOCOMOMO Virtual Exhibition" (DOCOMOMO International NGO, DOCOMOMO Ukraine NGO, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture). Role: Local Coordinator. On a volunteer basis (2015).
  • International educational project No.530197-TEMPUS-1-2012-IT-TEMPUS-JPCR "Architecture and sustainable development of the city based on eco-humanist principles and innovative technologies without loss of identity" (SEHUD, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Odesa State Academy of Construction and Architecture, etc.). Role: Participant. Funded by the TEMPUS Programme of the EU (2014 – 2015).


Teilnahme an sozial orientierten Projekten

  • Platform for Spatial Development CO-URBANISM NGO. Role: Co-founder. On a volunteer basis (2020 – present).
  • Project workshop "Regeneration of Ukraine through Urban Development" (online). Role: Co-organizer. On a volunteer basis (2022).
  • Project "Southern Coast of Ukraine: from Research to Development" (Urban Re-Public NGO, Kherson). Role: Project Coordinator. Funded by USAID (2020 – 2021).
  • Project "Constructivism. Kharkiv" (Art Oborona NGO, Kharkiv). Role: Lecturer. Funded by Ukranian Cultural Foundation (2020).
  • Project "Upgrading of Public Library Spaces of Ukraine" (Institute of Regeneration of the Urban Environment LLP (Odesa), Department of Culture of the Kherson City Council). Role: Project Manager. On a volunteer and contract basis (2019 – 2022).
  • Project “RAZOMURBANPARK” (Urban Reforms NGO, Kharkiv). Role: Participant. On a volunteer basis (2017).
  • Campaign to protect the modernist Freedom Square in Kharkiv (Urban Reforms NGO, Kharkiv Anti-Corruption Center NGO, Critical Thinking NGO, Kharkiv). Role: Participant. On a volunteer basis (2016 – 2017).
  • Workshop "The Right to the City-2. Cultural Heritage" (Lviv City Council). Role: Participant. On a volunteer basis (2016).
  • The 8th Annual International Cycling Conference in Ukraine Veloforum-2016 (Urban Reforms NGO, Kharkiv). Role: Media Coordinator. On a volunteer basis (2016).
  • Campaign for the creation of a new trolley route "Trolley to Sumska Street" (Urban Reforms NGO, Kharkiv). Role: Media Coordinator. Funded by USAID (2016).
  • Campaigns “European Mobility Week” (Urban Reforms NGO, Kharkiv). Role: Media Coordinator. On a volunteer basis (2015-2016).



Ph.D. Thesis: A modern monument in the context of the architectural culture of the 2nd half of the 20th century. Ph.D. Thesis, Kharkiv, 2019.


  • Antonenko. N., Spatial and morphological transformations of the Vinogradar housing area in Kyiv Collection of the scientific papers «Regional problems of architecture and urban planning», №16, 2022, с. 39-47.
  • Antonenko, N. (2022) “From Research to Participation: An Attempt to Reset the Post-Soviet Southern Cities of Ukraine”, Periodica Polytechnica Architecture. Vol. 53 No. 2 p. 104-112.
  • Kachemtseva L., Khoroian N., Didenko K., Antonenko N. Urban Planning Features of Naukogrady (Science Cities) – Centers of Innovative Activity: The Case of Pyatihatky. ACEE, 2022/1 p.19- 28 doi :10.21307/ACEE-2022-002 (WoS, Q4).
  • Levchenko O., Antonenko N., Kosarevska R. Ways to Overcome the Implementation Problems of BIM Technology Related to The National Standards in The Architectural and Building Industry of Ukraine. ACEE, 2022/1 p. 29 – 38. doi : 10.21307/ACEE-2022-003 (WoS, Q4).
  • Antypenko, H., Antonenko, N., & Didenko, K. (2021). Urban Transformations of Kharkiv’s Large Housing Estates, Építés - Építészettudomány (published online ahead of print 2021). Retrieved Oct 12, 2021 (Scopus, Q4).
  • Уреньов В.П, Румілець Т.С., Антоненко Н.В. Практичні кроки оновлення архітектурно-планувальної організації будівель публічних бібліотек. (Practical steps of updating the architectural and planning organization of public library buildings). Сучасні проблеми архітектури та містобудування. 2021. №59, с. 327-347.
  • Диденко Е. В., Антоненко Н. В., Лялюк И. Н. «Конструктор города» (form-based codes) и его внедрение в городскую среду Харькова. ("Constructor of the city" (form-based codes) and its implementation in the urban environment of Kharkiv). Сучасні проблеми архітектури та містобудування. 2021. №61, с. 169- 190.
  • Antonenko N., Rumilets T. COVID-19 and library public space transformations, ACEE, 2020/12. 4, р. 3-16 (WoS, Q4).
  • Антоненко Н. В., Румілець Т. С., Дмітрик Н. О. Особливості ревіталізації житлових  внутрішньодворових просторів радянського періоду м. Одеси (Peculiarities of the revitalization of residential courtyard spaces of the Soviet period in Odessa). Сучасні проблеми архітектури та містобудування. 2020. №57. С.147-165.
  • Antonenko N., Deriabina O. Preservation of monuments of modern architecture in Ukraine (1990–2010). Wiadomości Konserwatorskie. 62. 2020. P. 7-15 (Scopus, Q2). • Meerovich M., Antonenko N., Shchavinskaya L. The Residensial Area of Cheremushky as an Example of the Implementation of Khrushchev’s Housing Reform in Ukraine. Architektura&Urbanizmus. 2018. Vol. LII. 1–2. P. 66–83. (Scopus, WoS, Q3).
  • Bouriak A., Antonenko N., Lavrentiev I. Leonid Tyulpa – the Architect of the Period of Mass Industrial Development. ZARCH, El Vivienda Masiva Moderna / Modernist Mass Housing Legacy. 2017. Is. 8. P. 154– 169. (Scopus, Q4).
  • Меерович М. Г., Антоненко Н. В. Начальный этап хрущевской жилищной реформы в Украине (на примере жилого района Черемушки, г. Одесса) (The initial stage of the Khrushchev housing reform in Ukraine (on the example of the Cheryomushki residential area, Odesa). Науковий вісник будівництва. 2018. Т. 92, № 2. С. 145-155.
  • Антоненко Н. В. Боротьба архітектурних напрямів ХХ ст. та її відображення в пам’яткоохоронній діяльності (Struggle of architectural directions of the 20th century. and its reflection in monument protection activities). Комунальне господарство міст. Зб. наук. праць ХНУМГ ім. О.М. Бекетова. Харків, 2018. Вип. 142. C. 217–230.
  • Антоненко Н. В., Дерябіна О. О. Архітектура залізничних вокзалів в творчості М.С. Луцького та Є.А. Лимаря (The architecture of railway stations in the work of M.S. Lutskii and E.A. Lymar). Архітектурний вісник КНУБА: наук.-виробн. збірник. Київ, 2018. Вип. 14–15. C. 221–232.
  • Антоненко Н. В. Памятникоохранная деятельность в Нидерландах и объекты современной архитектуры (Monument protection activity in the Netherlands and objects of modern architecture). Збірник наукових праць ХНУБА. Науковий вісник будівництва. Харків, 2018. Вип. 91. С. 11–21.
  • Антоненко Н. В. Творческий путь архитектора профессора А. Г. Молокина. (The creative path of the architect professor A. G. Molokin). Известия вузов. Инвестиции. Строительство. Недвижимость. 2017. Т.7. №1 . С. 94–110.
  • Antonenko N., Bouriak A., Didenko C. Residential Housing in Kharkov (Ukraine), 1920–1935. ZARCH, El Vivienda Masiva Moderna / Modernist Mass Housing Legacy. 2016. Is. 5. P. 68–85.